This application is the counterpart of the General Accountancy and the Treasury and is used to keep the estimated figures under control. This application allows the following: The operating & investment budgets as well as Treasury can be managed. The estimations can be set up. The follow up of budget implementation phases can be respected, going through further steps: Updates, commitments, achievements, and settlements. Being integrated in accounting, procurement management and treasury, it is considered a full and genuine provisional accounting.  Téléchargez le PDF
The level of budget estimation can be specific to each chapter, each sub-chapter and heading associated to the accounts.

Automatic injection of expenditure commitments by an automatic recovery of figures on purchases (automated order forms) or other applications.

Automatic recovery of figures on achievements from accounting figures.

Automatic recovery of figures on payments for cash budget (Treasury) needs, from the module « Payment » or from automatic reconciliation.

Simulation and production of estimated accounting results:Balance sheet, RC, Treasury.

Possibility to print the figures of the original (or updated) estimates on a given date.

Follow up: production of differences in the amounts and in the percentages per stage of budget implementation.

Various levels of display: Processing and budgeting per accounting centre, per category (analytical) or consolidated.

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